Thursday, February 26, 2009

The best prison ever.

I have been working on some scripts for some videos we are doing for an upcoming series, "Joesph: The E True Hollywood Story" and while studying for it, I came across a verse in Genesis that made me stop and laugh. In Genesis 40, two of Pharaoh's servants are in the prison with Joseph and they each have dreams that upset them. So Joseph walks in that morning and says "Why do you look so sad today?" (v7)
Why do you look so sad?!! They're sitting in prison! Did they normally sing in the morning? What kind of prison was this that he would notice that they were sad? Wouldn't they have been sad every morning?
Anyway, that made me laugh.

1 comment:

  1. I like that part too, Sam - and it really shows us a "window" into Joseph's soul, heart and personality - even though we did not know him. I like people like this man - I like to surround myself with positive people, who even in the midst of bad circumstances - can find joy and happiness in their day. We know that was a "choice" for him and not everybody reacts that way to situations in life. We would all like to think that we would - but at the time of greatest testing, our true character comes to the surface for all to see - good, bad or ugly. Thanks for sharing.
