Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Biting Back

What is it with us, Christians I mean? Why do we insist on tearing down one another? I have been reading for a couple of months now and the guy is brilliant. Seriously. But the other day he posted about Todd Bentley and the move of God in Lakeland, FL and hateful people came out of the woodwork talking all kinds of garbage about someone they don't even know. Why? Because what is going on there doesn't fit inside their comfortable little western theology? Because what they see on TV is contradictory to what they have heard from their pulpits? Not contradictory to what the Bible actually says, mind you, just what they have heard from a man. Why do we feel like we have the right to bash someone who is just as much a child of God as we are? Todd Bentley is not preaching a different Jesus. He is not claiming to be The Way, The Truth and The Life. He is praying that people would be healed and guess what? They are being healed. If you don't like the guy because he has tattoos, fine. If you don't like him because he rides a Harley, fine. If you don't like him because he prays for people and sometimes they get healed, fine. Just keep your mouth shut unless he violates a direct scriptural mandate. We don't have to like everyone or even every church or method of church but we do NOT have the right to speak of a child of God in a hateful manner just because we disagree with them theologically. I have a Pentecostal background. You will never see me posting on how all non-Pentecostals are "Whack Jobs" who are "Afraid of the Holy Spirit". No! There is too much at stake for us to be constantly attacking each other. You don't like what is going on in Florida? Don't go. You think Todd Bentley is a fake? I bet someone who got out of a wheelchair at the meeting would disagree with you.
I'm not saying Todd Bentley is perfect or the next Oral Roberts or anything; I've never met him, but neither have the people who have been ripping him down and that's the problem. Let's hold our tongues except for building each other up. Come on, a little Building 4:29 anyone? Ok Ephesians 4:29.

Man that was a serious post. Feel free to vote in my mullet poll to balance yourself out a little.

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